Symphony from the Wild

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Symphony from the Wild cover

Yellowstone for Violin and Orchestra

Jett Hitt’s Yellowstone for Violin an Orchestra has been a listener favorite on radio stations around the country since its debut in 2002.  The work was inspired by many horseback journeys through the Yellowstone wilderness.  About the music, Music and Vision writes:

. . . full of the grandeur of the park . . . the music is unashamedly romantic, with soaring violin melodies . . . it would make a super score for some Spielberg cinematic blockbuster.

Stinkin' Up the Place

Jett Hitt’s Doe-Eyed is a jazz ballad for saxophone quintet and rhythm section. It was written for and recorded by Miles Osland and the University of Kentucky Mega-sax Ensemble. Doe-Eyed is one of ten selections on the recording by various composers. Copies of this recording are generally available on Amazon.